With 40 million small businesses using Facebook to connect with customers and promote their brand it can be challenging to attract new followers and “likes” for your company page. But it's definitely worth the effort. One researcher recently estimated that the average value of a single Facebook like is $174. Of course this depends on your business, but the fact is Facebook likes generate revenue!
Here are thirty tips for growing your Facebook company page, attracting more likes and capturing the attention and loyalty of your target market.
1. Use Images
Captivating, relevant images can be a great way to spark engagement and reach for your page and posts.
2. Keep it Interesting
Most people unlike a page because the posts are uninteresting. Keep your fans engaged by posting content that meets their needs or addresses their pain points. Industry news, product releases, and behind the scenes content can pique interest.
3. Use Facebook Social Plugins
Use Facebook's Page Plugin (formerly the “Like” box) on your other socials sites, website and blog. A like button next to your blog post will increase shares, but the Page Plugin can help you boost likes.
4. Add A Link To All of Your Emails
Make sure to include a link to your company page in every email you send out. Your email signature is the perfect place so it's automatically added to every email sent.
5. Invite Your Subscriber and Customer Lists
If you offer a subscription, like a newsletter, make sure to invite your subscribers. They're already interested enough to subscribe. Ask them to “Join our Facebook Community” or “Write on our Facebook wall” instead of the usual “join our fan page.”
6. Engage With Similar Pages
Engagement works two ways. Regularly leave insightful comments to relevant posts related to your area of expertise. Make sure your comment comes from your company page not your personal page.
7. Cross Promote on Other Social Sites
Be creative. A simple “like us on Facebook” might not be enough. Point your Twitter followers or LinkedIn connections to relevant content or discussions happening on your page for a more powerful impact.
8. Use Contests
Contests are a great way to get people to like your page. Make sure the prize has perceived value. Promote your contest through your email list and website and make liking your page a contest requirement.
9. Tell Don't Sell, Use the 80/20 Rule
Keep your promotional content to a minimum. Stick to interesting content rather than selling. Use the 80/20 rule. Make 80 percent of your content informational and informative and the other 20% promotional.
10. Link From Your Personal Page
Link to your company page from your personal page. Create a link from your place of employment.
11. Keep Posts Short and Sweet
Some research suggests shorter posts (100-120 characters) result in the highest engagement. Other research suggest 40 characters or less!
12. Ask Fans To Tag Photos
If you host live events, take plenty of pictures, load them on your company page and ask fans to tag themselves. This pushes your wall out to their friends and provides plenty of free exposure!
13. Embed Videos!
Facebook's video feature is powerful. You can load your video directly to your company page and then take the source code and embed it on your blog or website. Consider explainer videos, videos of events or anything of value.
14. Offer Discounts
Exclusive discounts for Facebook fans are a great incentive. In fact 42% of people say that they like a company page for the exclusive coupons and discounts.
15. Make it Personal
From time to time, get personal. People want to know the people behind a business. They're more likely to engage with a person than a brand.
16. Put Your Link In Other Media
If you do any print or radio advertising include your Facebook address. Make sure you include it on business cards, letterhead, magazine ads, brochures, and any other materials.
17. If You Have a Physical Location Display It
If you have a store, display a “like us on Facebook” Placard on the counter. You can incentivize customers to join immediately by offering a discount if they join on their mobile device from your location.
18. Regularly Check Facebook Insights
This can help you keep track of what content is driving engagement and resonating with your audience. Find the posts that have worked the best and share this type of content more often.
19. Optimize Your Page's SEO
Just like your website, you can optimize your Facebook page for search. Use relevant keywords in your title and About section. Make sure your profile is complete and has a consistent name, address and phone number. Link to your page from your website and other social media accounts.
20. Create a Facebook Group
Topical groups can be an excellent way to reach prospects and increase engagement. Create an industry related group directed at your target audience and use it to build relationships and trust.
21. Tag Other Pages In Your Posts
When you tag other pages, your posts appear on their wall and may spark interest for your brand from the owner's community.
22. Offer True Value
Post content that meets a need for your readers, your posts will get liked and shared and this engagement will lead to new likes for your page. Pay attention to what's happening in your industry and offer unique insights.
23. Comment on Blogs in Your Niche
Leave insightful comments on other blogs in your niche. Make sure to link to your company Facebook page when asked for a URL.
24. “Autograph “Your Posts
When you post on other walls, add an @ tag for your company page as a way to sign off.
25. Add A “Like Us on Facebook” Link To The “Thank You” Page On Your Website
Customers are more likely to engage when they've just made a purchase they're happy about.
26. Cross Promote
Form a partnership with a complimentary page in your niche. Agree to cross promote to help each other.
27. Join Relevant Industry Groups
Engaging on groups related to your business can drive traffic to your company page. If readers like what you have to say they will hover over your name and see your about page, which should include your company page URL.
28. Use Hashtags
They don't work as well on Facebook as they do on Twitter, but they can still attract new fans.
29. Email Invites
Write a short email inviting your contacts to connect with your business on Facebook .
30. Post Regularly
Posting sporadically sends a bad message. If you want people to invest their time in your page establish a regular pattern of posting useful valuable content.
Facebook can be an excellent source of business if you invest your time wisely. These thirty tips are a start. The best way to add fans and attract likes is to post often and provide value. Always make sure to direct people to your website and remember, building likes takes time. Daily consistent practice will pay off!
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